Important info! Please read

Hi everyone. I hope you're doing alright.

I'll make this short. I've been doing my best to keep the translations up to date since the first one was uploaded, but this month I won't be able to. Now, please, don't be angry, explanation comes now: Remember I commented you all that I was starting a project in my house? Well, things were going smoothly, until three weeks ago. 

Long story short, I had an accident. A wall fell over me, and sent me to the hospital. Don't worry, I'm fine, no fractures, no fisures in the bones, no death nearby XD. But my neck and back recieved all the weight, and damn, it hurted a lot. So, all my projects were paused for a couple of weeks. I started translating again a few days ago, and I realized I definetly won't be able to bring new translation this month. But I'm alive! Yay! And walking, so I'd say I was lucky that the only repercusions now are pain when I do some weird movements and when I sneeze haha.

Second: I was translating when I realized there was a problem with the final chapter of the VN. In resume, I'll have to reestructure all the second half of the chapter. Good news is:  I do know how to fix it, but it's gona take a while. 

I'll probablly have the last two chapters by the end of may... and I'm really sorry for the delay. I wanted to write this before the end of the month (the date when I usually update translations) so you know what to expect and don't get too disappointed. 

That's it people. Thank you all for the support you've been giving me, and don't worry, a wall is not gonna knock me off from this! haha

Have a nice day/night, and may the force be with you all (Happy star wars day in advance for all fans over there)! nwn

Get ~ El Escritor (The Writer) ~


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Thank you guys, you're too kind. Yeah, I'm almost completely recovered, just an occasional pain hehehe. Good thing is I managed to fix the error, now only remains the translation and, if I have time left, some art upgrades.


it's all good, take your time and recover we can wait.

Happy to hear that you weren't severely hurt! A falling wall could've gone much worse, but I'm glad that you came out relatively fine. Focus on your health first before you worry about finishing the translations for us and make sure you get plenty of rest. I wish you a speedy recovery and I hope you have an amazing day!

I hope your body will recover completely!


We don't mind waiting ^__^ take xour time in translating, what comes 1irst is xour health! Thankx for informing us, and I hope xou heal well~ n_n/ glad to hear xou weren't hurt too badly.